
UVM Testbench Made Easy


Due to the complexity of the UVM library, creating a testbench is a time consuming task and requires extensive knowledge of the capabilities offered by the library. To support verification engineers in the initial creation of a testbench infrastructure, the UVM framework was developed to create a UVM testbench very quickly. This can be simulated immediately and is adapted to the use case by making changes in some places using application specific code.

Course objectives

After a short introduction to some UVM classes and expressions, the workshop UVM TESTBENCH EASY quickly turns to the details of the UVM  framework.
The course is aimed at verification engineers with no prior UVM knowledge who want to get started using UVM testbenches.
The goal of the course is to create a complete UVM testbench using the Siemens EDA UVM Framework (UVMF), which is then supplemented with application specific code in a few places.


Alexandru Vlad Velea
has an Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology University degree followed by MBA postgraduate degree.

From 2005 on he has been covering mostly the following Siemens products:
• HDL design, simulation and synthesis
• Wiring and harness design

He has a bright knowledge as consultant/ advisor/ technical support/ tools trainer. He is Wiring Harness consultant/ advisor for the Mentor Graphics / Siemens tools since 2011 and Digital IC flow (design/ simulation/ synthesis) consultant/ advisor for the Mentor Graphics/ Siemens tools starting 2005.

TRIAS is an Expert Partner of Siemens Digital Industries Software. Siemens Digital Industries Software awards the status "Expert" to sales partners who have in-depth expert knowledge in a product area or industry and have proven this repeatedly in reference projects.

Alexandru Vlad Velea is certified by Siemens for the products Capital | Capital Essentials (formerly VeSys®) for the automotive and aerospace (Aero) markets and continuously undergoes a mandatory certification program to verify and expand his competencies.

Requirements: Knowledge in SystemVerilog I Duration: 2 days I Language: English / optional German I Price: 1.400,00 EUR net


  • Upon request | |

We are happy to offer further options such as live online sessions and on-site training upon request.

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