Enterprise PCB Design

Software Product Solutions

Xpedition® – Enterprise

Xpedition Enterprise Video

Source: Siemens EDA
Xpedition Enterprise Video - Duration: 7:30min

Integrated flow for the global enterprise, from system design definition to manufacturing execution.

Xpedition® Enterprise is the industry’s most innovative PCB design flow. Its unique, patented technologies can reduce design cycles by 50 percent or more while significantly improving overall quality and resource efficiency.

Xpedition® Enterprise provides integration from system design definition, electronics design, electro-mechanical co-design, simulation and verification, all the way to PCB manufacturing. This video provides a tour of the unique patented technologies within Xpedition®.

The Xpedition® Enterprise advantage

Xpedition® Enterprise delivers a complete portfolio of best in class solutions for engineering, design, analysis, manufacturing, and data management including:

Full data integrity throughout the entire design and IP management process
  • Significantly improve project schedules, reduce risks and eliminate error-prone manual data manipulation
Flow-wide concurrent engineering
  • Reduce cycle time by 30 to 60 percent; decrease integration effort up to 80 percent
  • Enable geographically dispersed engineers to work in parallel at any stage of the design process
Correct-by-design methodology and flow automation
  • Reduce error rate and eliminate time-consuming batch post-processes
  • Increase engineering productivity by 40 percent or more
Virtual prototyping
  • Reduce costly and time-consuming physical prototypes
  • Gain time for cost and quality optimization
  • Improve electrical, thermal and electromechanical quality and reliability
Integrated design-for-manufacturing
  • Eliminate new product introduction risks
  • Reduce design spins by 60 percent or more
  • Optimize first-pass yield by integrating the design chain with the extended supply chain
  • Expedition® Enterprise empowers organizations to maintain a competitive edge and future-focused strategic positioning
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      How is the MAC address generated?

      Start a command shell by typing: cmd in the Windows menu search box and then Enter. A command line window opens. Enter: ipconfig /all. All your system network adapters will be listed. Find an adapter with a network connection and copy the physical address. This consists of 6 x 2-digit hexadecimal numbers separated by hyphens.

      Open a terminal and enter the following command: ifconfig. Confirm with Enter.
      Look for the network eth0, depending on distribution it can also have a different name. The line with ether specifies the MAC ID: Here are 6 x 2-digit hex numbers separated by a colon.

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